'Compilation of little-known and never-before-published apocryphal Christian texts in English translation This anthology of ancient nonbiblical Christian literature presents introductions to and translations of little-known apocryphal texts from a wide variety of genres, most of which have neve...

New Testament Apocrypha Pdf


New Testament Apocrypha Iiirejected Scriptures King James Version

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Published:Grand Rapids, Michigan :William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,2016-

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New Testament Apocrypha Iiirejected Scriptures Apocrypha

The 27 books of the canonical New Testament were settled in Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria’s annual Easter letter (the 39th Festal Letter) in 367 C.E. It was once believed that this pronouncement, alongside his denouncement of the Christian apocrypha, was enough for believers to abandon all noncanonical texts.

Table of Contents:

New Testament Apocrypha List

  • Legend of Aphroditianus / Katharina Heyden
  • Revelation of the Magi / Brent Landau
  • Hospitality of Dysmas / Mark Glen Bilby
  • Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Syriac) / Tony Burke
  • On the Priesthood of Jesus / William Adler
  • Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 210 / Stanley E. Porter
  • Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 5072 / Ross P. Ponder
  • Dialogue of the Paralytic with Christ / Bradley N. Rice
  • Toledot Yeshu (Aramaic Fragment) / F. Stanley Jones
  • Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon / Alin Suciu
  • Discourse of the Savior and the Dance of the Savior / Paul C. Dilley
  • Encomium on Mary Magdalene / Christine Luckritz Marquis
  • Encomium on John the Baptist / Philip L. Tite
  • Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist / Andrew Bernhard
  • Life of John the Baptist by Serapion / Slavomir Ceplo
  • Legend of the Thirty Pieces of Silver / Slavomir Ceplo
  • Death of Judas according to Papias / Geoffrey S. Smith
  • Acts of Barnabas / Glenn E. Snyder
  • Acts of Cornelius the Centurion / Witold Witakowski
  • John and the Robber / Rick Brannan
  • History of Simon Cephas, the Chief of the Apostles / F. Stanley Jones
  • Acts of Timothy / Cavan W. Concannon
  • Acts of Titus / Richard I. Pervo
  • Life and Conduct of the Holy Women Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca / David L. Eastman
  • Epistle of Christ from Heaven / Calogero A. Miceli
  • Epistle of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy concerning the Deaths of the Apostles Peter and Paul / David L. Eastman
  • (Latin) Revelation of John about Antichrist / Charles D. Wright
  • Apocalypse of the Virgin / Stephen J. Shoemaker
  • Tiburtine Sibyl / Stephen J. Shoemaker
  • Investiture of Abbaton, the Angel of Death / Ibrahim Saweros.
New testament apocrypha pdf

The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Revised Standard Version, Expanded Edition (Genuine Leather Black 8914A) by Herbert G May and Collard Professor of New Testament. The Apocrypha was included in Luther’s 1534 Bible, which printed between the Old and New Testaments with this explanatory note: “Apocrypha: These books are not held equal to the Sacred Scriptures, and yet are useful and good for reading.” Sources. A Dictionary for United Methodists, “Apocrypha.” Alan K. This anthology of ancient nonbiblical Christian literature presents informed introductions to and readable translations of a wide range of little-known apocryphal texts, most of which have never before been translated into any modern language. An introduction to the volume as a whole addresses the most significant features of the writings included and contextualizes them within the. New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures vol. 1 Compilation of little-known and never-before-published apocryphal Christian texts in English translation This anthology of ancient nonbiblical Christian literature presents introductions to and translations of little-known apocryphal texts from a wide variety of genres, most of which.