What is Executive Board?

The Florida State 4-H Council Executive Board consists of 4 delegates from each of the 13 4-H districts, up to 30 Executive Board Appointees, and the 8 Florida 4-H State Officers.

  1. Federal Executive Boards are currently located in cities which are major centers of Federal activity, and composed of the Federal field office agency heads and military commanders in these cities. The Boards are located in the following metropolitan areas: Note: For FEB locations posted without a website address, please use contact information.
  2. The Executive Board is the governing body of SAP SE. Subject to the requirements of stock corporation law, the Executive Board is committed to SAP's interests and bound by SAP company policy. It provides the Supervisory Board with regular, prompt, and comprehensive reports about all essential issues of business, corporate strategy,.

The Executive Board aims to increase the oversight of UN-Habitat operations by Member States and to strengthen UN-Habitat’s accountability, transparency and effectiveness. This body will ensure greater efficiency in decision-making, help to build trust and attract sufficient, sustainable and predictable funding. The Executive Board is composed of 34 technically qualified members elected for three-year terms. The annual Board meeting is held in January when the members agree upon the agenda for the World Health Assembly and the resolutions to be considered by the Health Assembly. Roland Auschel, Executive Board Member of adidas AG, responsible for Global Sales ROLAND AUSCHEL - GLOBAL SALES. Roland Auschel was born in Bad Waldsee, Germany, in 1963 and is a German citizen.

The Executive Board is a group of youth from across the state that represent their county and district. The members attend working committee meetings at Executive Board Weekend Events, during which they offer input into events such as 4-H University, Legislature, 4-H Day at the Capitol, and Intermediate State.

Committee members also play a vital role in the implementation of those events. Other committees work on planning and implementing a state-wide community service project, fund raising, parli pro education, entertainment, and communication support.

Elected and Appointed Delegates

Each district elects or appoints four (4) district representatives, so contact your local 4-H agent for more information. In addition, the State Council Officers appoint up to thirty (30) Executive Board Appointees.

If you are interested in being a district representative or Executive Board appointee, read through the Executive Board Information Packet below and submit the application to Derby Sale at sderby.sale@ufl.edu by July 1st at 5:00pm EST.

First Executive Board

  • Who: Executive Board Members Only (closed event)
  • When: October 9th 6:00-8:00pm EST & October 10th 10:00am-3:00pm EST
  • Where: Zoom (Link to be sent out the week of the event)
  • Cost: FREE
  • Registration: Open through 4HOnline September 14 through October 8, 2020
    • Open to youth who were elected or appointed as delegates to the Florida 4-H Executive Board.
    • Delegates must be 14-18 as of September 1st of the current 4-H year.

Second Executive Board

  • Who: Executive Board Members Only (closed event)
  • When: January 8th 6:00-8:00pm EST & January 9th 10:00am-3:00pm EST
  • Where: Zoom (Link to be sent out the week of the event)
  • Cost: FREE
  • Registration: Open through 4HOnline November 2, 2020 through January 4, 2021
    • Open to youth who were elected or appointed as delegates to the Florida 4-H Executive Board.
    • Delegates must be 14-18 as of September 1st of the current 4-H year.

Third Executive Board

  • Who: All 4-H Members age 14-18 (4-H Age)
  • When:March 26-28, 2021
  • Where: 4-H Camp Cherry Lake, Madison
  • COST: $115 for Executive Board Members, $120 for Non-Members
  • Onsite check-in will begin at 7:00 pm EST on the first day. No early arrivals. We are unable to accommodate anyone prior to 7:00 pm EST.


  • Third Executive Board is open to all 4-H members age 14-18 (4-H age).
  • Registration will be available in 4HOnline.

For More Information

Contact Derby Sale at sderby.sale@ufl.edu

The Executive Board shall review and revise the budget as it deems appropriate; conduct a public hearing on the draft budget; approve a draft budget, including the proposed Radio Unit Charge; and forward same to Principals, no later than August 31.

The Executive Board or the Executive Director with advice of the Operations Committee shall as necessary contract with appropriate local governments or other third parties for the use of space for its operations, and for staff and auxiliary services including, but not limited to, records, payroll, accounting, purchasing and data processing.

Board Of Directors Titles

Executive Board

A Principal also may elect to convert to Subscriber status effective January 1 of any year by giving written notice of its intent to the Executive Board no later than July 1 of the preceding year.

Executive Board Wfp

In the event of a vacancy in the Vice-Chair position, the Executive Board shall elect a new Vice-Chair to serve to the balance of the term of the departed Vice-Chair.

Executive Board Of Directors

The Executive Director may, as he or she deems necessary from time to time, submit to the Executive Board a proposed EPSCA personnel policy for the Executive Board’s approval, rejection or modification; provided that the Executive Director shall first submit any such proposed policies to the Operations Committee for its review and comment.