Nightslayer Armor
Bloodfang Armor
Deathdealer's Embrace
Bonescythe Armor
Netherblade Armor
Deathmantle Armor
Slayer's Armor
Heroes' Bonescythe Battlegear
Valorous Bonescythe Battlegear
Valorous Terrorblade Battlegear
Conqueror's Terrorblade Battlegear
VanCleef's Battlegear
Garona's Battlegear
Shadowblade's Battlegear
Sanctified Shadowblade's Battlegear
Sanctified Shadowblade's Battlegear (Heroic)
Wind Dancer's Regalia
Wind Dancer's Regalia (Heroic)
Vestments of the Dark Phoenix
Vestments of the Dark Phoenix (Heroic)
Blackfang Battleweave
Battlegear of the Thousandfold Blades
Nine-Tail Battlegear
Barbed Assassin Battlegear
Poisoner's Battlegear
Poisoner's Battlegear (Mythic)
Felblade Armor
Doomblade Battlegear
Fanged Slayer's Armor
Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel

Depending on how much the rogue’s abilities and buffs and the boss debuffs deviate from the given guidelines, the rogue’s DPS can slip quite a bit relative to what it “should” be. In case of any discrepancy in the rogue’s abilities or self-buffs, the best bet is to provide the rogue with a link to this article to educate himself on. 2020 Nissan Rogue Sport. Search by make for fuel efficient new and used cars and trucks. In order to access the transmogrification Appearances for both weapons, right-click the dagger while at any transmogrification vendor. From the drop-down menu, you will be able to select the Appearance matching your needs. This effects the following dagger sets: Golad, Twilight of Aspects and Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages; The Sleeper and The Dreamer.



Rogue Tier 1 Nightslayer Armor (Set 8 pieces)

HEAD (Garr, Molten Core)
LEGS (Magmadar, Molten Core)
SHOULRS (Baron Geddon, Molten Core)
CHEST (Golemagg The Incinerator, Molten Core)
HANDS (Shazzrah, Molten Core)
BOOTS (Lucifrom, Molten Core)
BELT (Mobs in Molten Core)
WRIST (Mobs in Molten Core)

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Rogue Tier 2 Bloodfang Armor (Set 8 pieces)

LEGS (Ragnaros, Molten Core)
BELT (Vaelastrasz The Corrupt,Blackwing Lair)
BOOTS (Broodlord Lashlayer,Blackwing Lair)
HANDS (Ebonroc/Firemaw/ Flamagor. ,Blackwing Lair)
HEAD (Nefarian,Blackwing Lair)
CHEST (Nefarian,Blackwing Lair)
SHOULRS (Chromaggus,Blackwing Lair)
WRIST (Razorgore the Untamed,Blackwing Lair)

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Rogue Tier 3 Bonescythe Armor (Set 9 pieces). This set is no longer available within the game, but the 7th Rogue Tier is similar.

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Rogue Tier 4 Netherblade (Set 5 pieces)

HANDS (The Curator, Karazhan)
HEAD (Prince Malchezaar ,Karazhan)
LEGS (Gruul The Dragonkiller, Gruul’s Lair )
SHOULDERS (High King Maulgar, Gruul’s Lair)
CHEST (Magtheridon, Magtheridon’s Lair)

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Rogue Tier 5 Deathmantle (Set 5 pieces)

CHEST (Kael’thas Sunstrider, Tempest Keep: The Eye)
HANDS (Leotheras The Blind, Serpentshrine Cavern)
HEAD (Lady Vashj, Serpentshrine Cavern)
LEGS (Fathom-Lord Karathress, Serpentshrine Cavern)
SHOULDERS (Void Reaver, Tempest Keep: The Eye)

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Rogue Tier 6 Slayer’s Armor (Set 8 pieces)

CHEST (Illidan Stormrange,Black Temple)
HANDS (Azgalor, Mount Hyjal)
HEAD (Archimonde, Mount Hyjal)
LEGS (The Illidari Councill,Black Temple)
SHOULDERS (Mother Shahraz,Black Temple)
WRIST (Kalecgos, Sunwell Plateau)
BELT (Brutallus, Sunwell Plateau )
BOOTS (Felmyst/Lady Sacrolash /Grand Warlock Alythess Sunwell Plateau)

Rogue Company Rogue Tier List

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Rogue Tier 7 Heroes Bonescythe Battlegear (raid 10) in red color

HEAD (Kel’thuzad, Naxxramas 10)
CHEST (The Four Horsemen, Naxxramas 10)
LEGS (Thaddius, Naxxramas 10)
SHOULDERS (Loatheb, Naxxramas 10)
HANDS (Sartharion, Sagrario Obsidiana)

Rogue Tier 7 Valorous Bonescythe Battlegear (raid 25), the blue armor

HANDS (Sartharion, The Obsidian Sanctum 25)
HEAD (Kel’Thuzad, Naxxramas 25)
LEGS (Thaddius / Gluth, Naxxramas 25; Archavon , Vaoult of Archavon 25)
CHEST (The Four Horsemen/ Gluth, Naxxramas 25; Archavon , Vaoult of Archavon 25)
SHOULDERS (Loatheb / Gluth, Naxxramas 25)

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Rogue Tier 8 Valorous Bonescythe Battlegear (set 5 pieces) in light grey, Ulduar 10 men raid.

HEAD (Mimiron)
LEGS (Hodir)
CHEST (Yogg-Saron)
HANDS (Freya)

Rogue Tier 8 Conqueror’s Terrorblade Battlegear (set 5 pieces), the red and lila color. Raid: Ulduar 25 men

HEAD (Thorim)
CHEST (Hodir)
HANDS (Mimiron)
LEGS (Freya)
SHOULDERS (Yogg-Saron)

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Rogue Tier 9 (set 5 pieces). It had 3 tiers levels but they’re identics. The last Rogue Tier9 requiered to have Trophy of the Crusade but This item is no longer available within the game in Raid 25 HC “Trial of the Crusader”.

Rogue Tier 9 AllianceConqueror’s VanCleef’s Battlegear
Rogue Tier 9 HordeConqueror’s Garona’s Battlegear

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This Rogue Tier 10 needs Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification from Icecrown Citadel (ICC), you can have it killing: Profesor Putricide, Blood-Queen Lana’thel, Sindragosa or The Lich King.

Rogue Tier 10 Shadowblade’s Battlegear lvl 251 (set 5 pieces) in green color, it needs Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification from ICC 10 Normal.

Rogue Tier 10Shadowblade’s Battlegear lvl 264 (set 5 pieces) in yellow color, it needs the raid 10 items, and Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification from ICC 10 HC or ICC 25.

Rogue Tier 10 Shadowblade’s Battlegear lvl 277 (set 5 pieces) in orange color. You need for this Rogue Tier a Rogue Tier25 before and Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification in ICC 25 HC.

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Rogue Tier 11 Normal RWind Dancer’s Regalia (set 5 pieces) in green. Points, raids 10 or 25 en normal.

SHOULDERS (Cho’Gall, The Bastion of Twilight)
LEGS (points, Argaloth Baradin Hold)
CHEST (points)
HEAD (Nefarian, Blackwing Descent)
HANDS (points, Argaloth in Baradin Hold)

Rogue Tier 11 Heroic Wind Dancer’s Regaliaset 5 pieces) in red color . Raids 10 or 25 Heroics. Requiere el item en normal para ser obtenidas.

SHOULDERS (Cho’Gall, The Bastion of Twilight HC)
CHEST (Halfus, The Bastion of Twilight HC)
LEGS (Maloriak, Blackwing Descent HC)
HEAD (Nefarian, Blackwing Descent HC)
HANDS (Magmaw, Blackwing Descent HC)

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Rogue Tier 12 Normal Vestments of the Dark Phoenix (set 5 pieces) with red . You have it with points, raids 10 or 25 en normal.

SHOULDERS (Majordomo Staghelm, Firelands)
CHEST (points)
LEGS (points, Occu’thar Baradin Hold)
HEAD (Ragnaros, Firelands)
HANDS (points, Occu’thar Baradin Hold)

Druid Tier

Rogue Tier 12 Vestments of the Dark Phoenix Heroic (set 5 pieces) in lila color, raids 10 or 25 Heroicas. You need the normal item for have it

LEGS (Shannox, Firelands HC)
HEAD (Ragnaros, Firelands HC)
HANDS (Baleroc, Firelands HC)
CHEST (Alysrazor, Firelands HC)