Motivation To Learningmr.Role of motivation in learningMotivation to learningmr.

Our very own Anna Pirkl, MFT, ATR, LADAAC partnered with South Bay Families Connected and created this wonderful series of short videos to support you in staying motivated during distance learning.

Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation just to make a start. It helps to understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated. As parents, we are constantly finding new opportunities that will inspire students to learn. Without motivation, the most engaging lessons and activities will not grasp the attention of our children. Increasing student engagement and motivation just takes a little bit of imagination. To help you get started, I’ve put together a list of ways. The advantages of continuing education as an adult learner are numerous. By learning and perfecting new skills, you could advance your career, secure a new job, or even pursue your ambitions in a new field. But as adults, our motivation to continue education wanes.

I know everyone can use some support in this area. I love how the videos are only a couple minutes (if that!) each.

Online Learning Motivation

If you know Anna, you know that she is very talented at skill building AND she uses these very strategies herself. So she is not recommending anything she hasn’t done or relied on personally.

Learning Motivation Quotes

LearningMotivation To Learningmr.

Thank you Anna and South Bay Families Connected for doing this important work!

Learning And Motivation Journal

South Bay Families Connected is a great resource on mental health for teens and parents. If you are not already aware of them, we highly recommend you check out all they have to offer (here).